Monday, February 8, 2016

Most excellent amazing chocolate chip cookies!

It's been a long time coming and many have contributed to it, (and I will make sure I mention everyone) my most favorite cookie recipe ever! 

But first.... as always, you can't just get right to the recipe like you want to! You have to hear a story, so here goes. Growing up I wasn't really allowed in the kitchen much. Most of the time I was kind of in the way. But sometimes I would be able to get in with my big sister or watch mom from afar (or even dad with some things) and learn a thing or two. At one point, I earned cookie duty. My mom let me try making them and I actually did a pretty good job. I even started taking them to school to try and win the heart of the 7th grade hottie. Another story, another day...

When I moved from California to Utah I had never imagined that my world would be rocked and my cookies would fail! My sweet little 18 year old self had no idea that altitude and humidity played any part in cooking and baking! So I failed a few times and finally decided I would never bake those amazing chocolate chip cookies again. (Let's be real, it was the recipe from the back of the Ghiradelli chocolate chip bag)

Then one day we went to a football party and my friend Jen Suman had made the most amazing cookies. I asked her how, and she said she used dark brown sugar instead of golden brown. And I think she used a little more flour too... But what stuck with me was the dark brown sugar... So I experimented. And ended up with a killer cookie! 

Little tricks I have learned have aided me in my baking so much, especially here at the high altitude. Maybe everyone else knows these things, but I am going to share my short little list anyway.

Don't melt the butter unless the recipe calls for melted butter! Take it from the fridge and put it, still wrapped in its paper, in the microwave for 9 or 10 seconds. It should come out perfectly soft and ready to whip! Also, don't use margarine. Butter, always salted butter. 

Cream the butter really well before adding anything to it. Whip it, whip it good! Generally till it has turned a soft creamy color. 

When a recipe calls for brown sugar I always use at least half dark brown and the rest golden brown. And you will want to splurge on the real C&H Brown sugar. If you read the ingredients of the C&H, it is .... brown sugar... if you read the ingredients on the knock off brand, it is molasses and sugar. Thanks Marisa Bentley for this little gem!

Cream the sugar with the butter really well before adding in anything else. 

I always add eggs one at a time and let them incorporate before adding another. 

Most of the smaller spoons in your cutlery are a teaspoon. You can check if you want... I was challenged on this once.... I was right... So I generally just use my teaspoons from my silverware for measuring. Then I don't have to keep cleaning it, I can put it in the dishwasher and pull out another. 

A wonderful little tip I learned from my amazing Mother in Law, Nora Barlow, was to measure flour by scooping it into the cup... Not using the cup to scoop it. Let me explain. I used to take the measuring cup, scoop it out, tap it down, level it, and then pour it in. I know better now. Holding the measuring cup in one hand, I use a tablespoon to scoop it in, and then without tapping it down level it. It takes a little more time, but I have found the results are worth it. 

And generally, I add all the dry ingredients at the same time. I usually also take out a little flour and substitute a couple of teaspoons of corn starch. 
I also really like using my little cookie scoop from Gygi. It was a little fancy feeling at first, but I love that the little cookies are all the same. And, its great if you don't want to bake all the dough and want to make your own little cookie dough freezer balls. 

This recipe I now use has been adapted a bit from Kelsey at Apple A Day, found here. Her pictures are way better and the blog is that of a professional sort. Her title alone made me stop everything I was doing so I could make those cookies. Well, something like that. 

Here it is! I don't have the fancy recipe maker thing that real blog people use, so you get it like this:

This makes a double batch, cause that's how I roll. 

3 sticks butter, softened-room temp
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup golden brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
4 teaspoons of vanilla (the real stuff if you can)
2 eggs
4 cups white flour
4 teaspoons corn starch
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
as many chocolate chips as you like

preheat oven for 350

I like to use my kitchenaid for this... Beat the butter until it is super soft and creamy. Add the sugars and mix on medium speed until they are all completely blended. Add vanilla, mix, then the eggs - one at a time. Dump in the dry ingredients together (less the chips of course) and start the mixer on the lowest setting possible. After 30 seconds or so you can bump it up to low/medium speed. Once everything is all happy and mixed, add the chocolate chips and mix again. 

I use my little handy dandy scooper and generally get at least 18 cookies on a standard cookie sheet. These don't spread very far, so you can place them a little closer together. Pop them in and let them go for 10 minutes. You will look at them and think, wow, maybe I should leave them in longer.... I've found with the first batch, I usually do leave in maybe 1-2 minutes longer. But everything after that, resist the urge and take them out! They will be soft and wonderful and not over cooked. Unless you like your cookies a little more toasted, then by all means, leave them in! 

I take them off the cookie sheet immediately and put them on a cooling rack. As soon as they are cooled but still a little warm, I put them in a storage bag and suck out the air. They will last for days like that, soft and very yummy and they freeze amazingly if you don't have immediate use for them. 

Good luck! Enjoy! 

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