Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hamming it up

 I learned while Ricky was deployed that the best thing I could do to provide healthy meals for my children was to plan and portion and to learn what freezes. I was still very anti- cereal for any meal especially dinner. Now that they are getting older I don't stress so much, but I still want healthy balanced meals 99.9%. 

So... When I discovered how much they love ham, I decided it was time to experiment. I know that the grocery stores sell little packages of cubed ham, but they are quite pricey. As in $8 for 10-12 oz. I decided it was time to do it myself. 

For example.... This week I bought a 5 1/2 lb ham for $15. I was able to chop it into cubes and get 5 quart sized bags full. Now something that we have learned is that they freeze wonderfully. So I lay them flat and suck all of the air out and stick them in the freezer. Then when I need to throw some protein in a dish or need some protein for a meal, I can pull it out of the freezer, pop it in the microwave for 90 seconds to 2 minutes and go!

The kids love it and I can throw in a couple of different veggies or a veg and a fruit and be done. Cheers to ham!

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